The Lakeland Team

We believe teamwork does in fact make the dream work! We have to say, we love our team and the work we do everyday. Allow us to introduce you to the team.

Education and Experience:

  • Bachelor’s in Marketing - Belmont University Class of 2020

  • Juris Doctorate in Law - Nashville School of Law Class of 2026

  • Licensed REALTOR since 2020


  • Email:

  • Phone: 615-545-4522

Caleb Gaw

Caleb Gaw, a third generation Nashvillian, who knows and loves the city and everything it has to offer. Caleb comes from a strong work ethic where honesty, integrity, commitment, and communication are the cornerstones of his relationships with others.

Caleb began his career out of college in the real estate industry working as a licensed Realtor in New Home Construction. It was here that he gained valuable knowledge and experience understanding the ins-and-outs of home building and new home sales. His extensive experience with builders, Realtors, design and deadlines make him a knowledgeable resource for construction. 

From there, Caleb began working at Tressler & Associates, and Fridrich & Clark Realty - garnering experience as a legal assistant and general Realtor. 

Today, Caleb is combining the relationships, resources, and skill sets of all three firms into a Firm with him and his partner Bryan Montufar Morales to shift the landscape of Nashville in a positive direction.  Lakeland Building Partners LLC is the culmination of all that he has enjoyed in the real estate industry and aims to make a lasting impact on the Greater Nashville Community.

Bryan Morales

Bryan Montufar Morales is a first generation Latin American raised in Nashville since 1999. He has been in the construction realm for over twelve years. Growing up in Nashville in the Donelson/Hermitage area has seen the progress and improvement to the area here over the lapse of time. Having his general contractors licensing in residential/small commercial, his interests have always been in the building and development of properties that would see the surrounding neighborhoods and business flourish and grow with the city.  

Creating connections with suppliers has been a key part of the building growth. Through his relationships, Bryan is able to acquire materials that would take most five to six weeks, but for him arrive well before traditional timeframes. All his suppliers are able to provide the same quality and at a better price for items that others are paying top dollar for. 

The same goes for subcontractors, a huge difference that separates him from others is the fact that he is Latin and has a deeper connection to the local latin community and is able to find high quality tradesmen at a quarter of the cost. In all businesses going straight to the source is what separates companies from competitive pricing and market pricing.

Bryan and Caleb have different, yet complementing skill sets and experience that maximize the reach and potential to get the BEST for every client.

Education and Experience:

  • Licensed General Contractor for Residential and Small Commercial

  • General Contracting and Construction since 2011

  • Strong and Reliable relationships with Suppliers, Engineers and Subcontractors


  • Email:

  • Phone: 615-997-6592